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Investment Management


Investment management; the specialised supervision of assets, oriented around ensuring that capital allocated to real estate,  produces adequate cashflow and is that asset value is a beneficiary of existing growth trends.   


Our primary step is to assess the existing elements of a portfolio, including it's current composition, historical activity, historical values, potentials for asset development, existing management infrastructure and processes;  including methods in acquisitions and sales; before formulating a strategy to optimise portfolio performance. 


The intention is to make the portfolio efficient in balancing risk and opportunity, over the long term.   


The following demonstrates the targets that may form part of such an investment program; 


  • Establish specific requirements and performance targets on both investment and lifestyle requirements.   

  • A strategic view on risks and opportunities; analysis, evaluation and mitigation of risks.

  • Securing of opportunities and execution of exits. 

  • Establish and manage infrastructure around the management of both lifestyle and investment assets, including functions performance measures of the portfolio as a set of assets. 

  • Ascertain the value of the asset through direct liaison with property managers and occupiers, in terms of satisfaction from end users of the asset.  

  • Assess exposure to property markets, current circumstances, past exposure and the future potential.   


None of our recommendations constitute financial or legal advice. 


It is essential however, that in contemplating activity around the establishment, building, and development of a portfolio, you seek guidance from both financial and legal professionals to correctly estimate and verify the implications of making acquisitions and disposals of both investment and lifestyle assets.  


Portfolio Management

Portfolio Services â€‹


The following are the portfolio management services available from Mountesque;


  • Property Management; rent collection, facilities management; asset development. 

  • Investment strategy; Intelligence, market analysis, policy development, investment planning, market appraisals, market and economic trends.  

  • Asset performance Analysis; Financial analysis, market appraisal and profitability potential.


Portfolio Performance Management


The purpose of managing portfolios on behalf of investors with the goal of maximising and increasing values, including total capital and total annual income, through the following;


  • Redevelopment and enhancement of asset quality and user experience.

  • Generation and maintenance of growth trends in asset income.

  • Reduction of operating costs and expenditure.

  • Reduction of liabilities and risks.


The differentiating factor with Mountesque in it's ability to manage asset portfolios lies in one major factor; Organisation and structure in administrative systems.


It is this factor which places us distinctively where we are able to take on larger projects and still succeed because of the emphasis we place on handling and resolving our own foundations before undertaking the problems of the client. The client can be reassured of their asset portfolios being managed with competence.



Portfolio Operations​


Knowing what to do right now, what is the priority program? Which areas need attention the most? Which area of the organisations holds the most potential and thus the greatest performance leverage? Where should investments within the organisation be applied? These are all questions CEOs may ask and the answer come from a complete and standard evaluation of the business, carrying out an inspection of performances, processes, based on a standard organisational structure (some organisations, no matter how large, may still not address every element of a  standard organisation).  


Our analysis is fast, thorough and effective in locating the exact areas needing address, calculating the next action to take, resolving depressed performance and conducive to the development of multiple, co-ordinated strategic programs to generate performance and expansion.  



Portfolio Analysis, Evaluation, Objectives


Analytic processes in our portfolio management schemes, consistently optimise portfolios against the following areas;


  • needs and wants of the executive

  • opportunities in the market

  • liabilities within the portfolio

  • undermined potential and missed development opportunities.


We are entirely market focused, market oriented, assessing market benchmarks, market movements, investment input / outputs in the market, to identify and forecast the potential in opportunities before advising clients on objectives and strategy. These initiatives to synchronise portfolios towards increased income, increased capital value, within ever decreasing time periods, decreasing risks and for ever higher ROI potential, are for serving and enhancing the executive’s lifestyle experiences and interests in wealth preservation.



Intelligent Portfolio Management 


Intelligent portfolio management is the execution of decisions based solely on understanding, coming from facts, stats and where permitted, the personal aspirations of the executive to fulfil their own lifestyle objectives. This would involve real observations, data collection, media analysis, social trend analysis, economic behaviourial analysis, economic trend recognition, economic and market trends analysis. This is how we develop and build our intelligence data banks, permitting advanced investment management; operating ahead of social, economic and market trends, as well as competitive activity.



Valuation Model

Know how the value of an asset will develop, by its environmental and human factors and the decisions that should be considered over the long term and as part of overall strategy.


We give you the exterior view on the current situations and long term trends on the various real estate sectors and the factors that could divert, distort, disrupt or interrupt those trends. Our summary will give clear indications on how a portfolio allocation should be adjusted against its current holdings and how the portfolio should and could be optimised. 

Portfolio Strategy


Key determinations on the portfolio;


  • Intelligence led strategies; directed by growth locations,

  • Efficiency enhancement through consolidation of services, data and portfolio structure.  to asset classes

  • Future acquisitions and exits determined by location, asset class and led by risk mitigation or growth opportunities.

  • Development plans and programs formulated.   

  • Assets identified for development.

  • Cashflow targets. 

  • Growth of capital. 

  • Key factors determined influencing growth potential and cash flow consistency. 


Superior to written strategy, including clever, historic textbook methods; is intelligence that precedes the key investing decisions. How intelligence is implemented through strategy is a case of balancing risk and opportunity as intelligence is wholly based on ever changing play of influencing factors, making intel short lived whilst projects can last years. To reduce risk in such matters, we apply layers of intelligence to determine potential, financial hits and misses for the opportunities captured. We are realists, working with real data to advise professionals accordingly. We simply add perspective.


We provide consultations on portfolio strategy through market assessment and a comprehensive portfolio analysis and aim to fulfill the purpose of achieving portfolio optimisation.


Sourcing and Assessing Investments


Sourcing and assessing investments is the essential part of portfolio operations, correlated to market trends, market changes and targeted towards optimum portfolio performance.


Type of asset class, within their geographical markets, are reviewed periodically for consideration of potential, alternative, enhanced opportunities and the assets, markets that should be abandoned.


The subsequent strategy, incorporating the establishment, analysis and forecast of movements in real estate, across geographic markets are executed towards optimising the portfolio (portfolio development program) in order to proceed towards an ideal portfolio model. 



Permeating every aspect of real estate investment and particularly Portfolio management, our cross border network of lawyers are there to help our clients to create innovative and complex structures, assist in  real estate corporate finance, tax, setting up and establishing funds, establishing real estate investment trusts, environment, construction, funding of real estate projects, planning/zoning and other real estate-specific expertise. Sectors include residential,  commercial, industrial and hotels, covering legal functions such as acquisitions and disposals, acquisition financing, hotel management agreements (including sale and leaseback or sale and ‘manage-back’), construction and development (incorporating joint venture agreements).

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​Address: 13 St. James road, east grinstead, west sussex, rh19 1dl


Mountesque Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Company reg. no: 10122940

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