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client relations

The differentiated philosophy, methods, features and strategies that collectively make up the Mountesque system.  


The format of services we provide to clients.  

bespoke service packages

A modern, organised workspace, oriented towards the competent servicing of customers and long term clients.

Services are packaged according to the needs of the investor and their assets.


Our policies are geared towards the growth of the portfolio and it's effective management. 


We work under the instructions mandated to us and to the depth requested, covering the whole of the UK,  providing all real estate asset and investment management services. 

consultations and communications

The methods, purposes and levels on which we management and maintain client communications. 

Intelligence; MARKET Data and  trends

Sophisticated systems of organisation to ensure the effective handling of client communications and speed of service through intelligent, efficient data processing.
  • Competitive intelligence - Profiling competitors, their activities and strategies to protect market share.


  • Intelligence; profiling current market conditions to identify trends and market activity within postcodes to then publish reports for public and private clients.


  • Market awareness; persistent monitoring of changes and development in London and across major international markets to ascertain current asset values and current economic trends. 


  • Management by Statistics

  • Situation and condition analysis

  • Evaluation

  • Short term execution and

  • Development programming. 

Client reports that inform, educate and direct.

dedicated consultant

  • Principal designation, which means that the consultant assigned has been been trained by Mountesque and sworn to it's high service standards and codes. 

  • Dedicated Service. The consultant acts pro-actively in monitoring progress and the pursuit of targets and goals. 

  • Persistence and longevity will to an understanding of the investor's portfolio, the nuances of every asset and it's historic performance. 

Dedicated and focused consultants that are proactive in fulfilling agency duties and obligations.


The methods of direct control and management of real estate investments to the benefit and convenience of clients. 

discretionary management 

  • Direct Management of assets.

  • Full determination of portfolio contents, including the decision to sell or acquire assets.

  • Authority to approve transactions and contracts.

  • Periodic reports issued with full data to Directors and other shareholders.

The full responsibility of client portfolio; incorporating every element of management and performance.

execution only 

  • Market reports issued on related intelligence.

  • Execution of sell instructions. 

  • Execution of asset search and acquisition instructions. 

  • All transactions and contracts presented for approval. 

Execution only is the concept of receiving and following the client's directions and instructions. The result is still service.

subscription structures


  • All hours, all day origination facility.

  • Communications in person and by phone. 

  • Latest research on markets and trends. 

  • Full business, administrative management consultations. 

  • Full, discretionary portfolio management. 

Full dedication is available on retainer; an annual charge delivers complete access to all related real estate services, from acquisitions, sales and management. These are for multiple, simultaneous acquisitions, sales and management projects.
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​Address: 13 St. James road, east grinstead, west sussex, rh19 1dl


Mountesque Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Company reg. no: 10122940

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